How to Update Image & Description With Square

Product images and descriptions should ONLY be added/edited on Square, beginning October 19, 2023. Here’s how:

1) Click on the name of the product you wish to edit

2) Open in a new tab or browser window, the A.A. Bookstore and search for the name of the product, in this case, “A.A. for the Older Alcoholic”

3) Right click on the image and choose ‘save image as’, then save the image somewhere you can remember, like your Desktop or Downloads folder (1 below). Then copy the description text to your clipboard (2 below)

4) Now back on Square, paste the description text you copied in the ‘Description’ text area input. Then, click on ‘edit’ to upload the image you saved, and after the image uploads there’s a little ‘done’ button that appears- click that.

5) Finally, on Square, click the ‘Save’ button at the top right. You are done!