Hi, this is a work in progress (as in most of the knowledge base), and is definitely not a complete list.
12 Step Meeting List
Manage a list of recovery meetings
12 Step Meeting List Feedback Enhancement
This ’12 Step Meeting List’ plugin add-on enhances the feedback feature found on the meetings detail page. It provides a formatted solution to guide user feedback, giving a consistent, auditable, and accurate view of what the feedback submitter is wanting added, changed, or removed in the 12 Step Meeting List.
12 Step Meeting PDF Generator
Create PDF meeting list from the 12 Step Meeting List Plugin
404page – your smart custom 404 error page
Custom 404 the easy way! Set any page as custom 404 error page. No coding needed. Works with (almost) every Theme.
Admin Menu Editor
Lets you directly edit the WordPress admin menu. You can re-order, hide or rename existing menus, add custom menus and more. Useful for making admin menus simple for volunteers or specific admin types.
Akismet Anti-Spam
Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam. Your site is fully configured and being protected, even while you sleep.
All in One SEO
NOT CURRENTLY USED- IT IS SO SLOW SEO for WordPress. Features like XML Sitemaps, SEO for custom post types, SEO for blogs, business sites, ecommerce sites, and much more. More than 80 million downloads since 2007.
ARMember Lite – Membership Plugin
A membership plugin to allow people to sign up online for the monthly newsletter, pay, and view the newsletter online in a protected portal.