
Volunteers Needed!

Dear AA Friends…

Looking to do a little service work? With CSO’s new office hours, there are plenty of service opportunities for everyone! Can you give a couple hours, or more? We could really use your help!

Have you got a truck? Can you move some furniture with it? Are you good with organizing? How about clerical work? Are you experienced with MS Office programs, word, excel, etc.? Have you got an eye for decorating? How about answering the phone and helping an Alcoholic asking for help? The sky’s the limit!

Newcomers – Oldtimers and anyone in between are welcome and NEEDED! Won’t you please help your Central Service Office?

Many thanks!

Dave B., CSO Director

Please fill out one of the forms below, or call 207-774-4335, or email [email protected]

General Interest

Interested in volunteering? Just fill out the form below to learn more and we’ll be in touch!

General Volunteer Form

Hotline Operator

If you would like to volunteer for the Hotline please click the link below and fill out the Hotline Operator form

Hotline Operator Form

12th Step Call

If you would like to join the 12th Step Call list please click the link below to fill out the 12th Step Call form.

12th Step Call Form