Meeting Submission

AA Meeting Submission

The CSO maintains a list of AA meetings in Area 28 (Maine & New Brunswick). The CSO Meeting List is available on our Meeting List page, is available in print form at the office, and also submitted to the “Meeting Guide” apps every 12 hours. Please help us keep this list updated!

Adding A New Meeting

Please use the new meeting form on this page to submit a new meeting to the meeting list. We will review your listing and will reply back- often times on the same day.

Make sure to review our online meeting policy and meeting list requirements below first!

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Starting a new group? Make sure to register your group with the CSO!

Updating or Deleting A Meeting

Once your meeting has been added to the Meeting List, it is vital that any changes to your meeting be submitted promptly.

To submit a change, find your meeting on the Meeting List, click to view the details of the meeting, and then click on the button “Request a change to this listing”, see where the pink arrows are pointing in the example image here:

We’ll review your change request and update the Meeting List. If you can’t find your meeting, just contact us.

Online-only Meeting Listing Policy

In keeping with AA’s Singleness of Purpose, any online meeting wishing to be published on this website, must be an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with no other affiliation. You do not have to be sponsored by an AA Group registered with GSO in New York.

Meeting List Requirements:

  • Meetings must be held or hosted in Area 28 only.
  • Please update the CSO with any changes to your meeting as promptly as possible.
  • Virtual-only meetings must adhere to the same standards as in-person meetings, with a regular weekly schedule, and must stick to our Primary Purpose.
  • If a meeting is seasonal, after your last meeting submit a change request to let us know the meeting is no longer active.

“Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.”

Thank you for helping to keep this meeting list reliable for the AA fellowship!

New Meeting Form

    Contact Info

    Please provide your Name, Email, and Phone number- this information is never posted online, and only used to follow up with you need be!

    Your Name (First name and Last Initial)

    Your Email

    Your Phone Number

    Meeting Name & Presence

    Meeting or Group Name


    In Person, Online or Hybrid

    Meeting Time & Day(s)

    Meeting Day or Days

    Start Time

    End Time

    In-Person Meeting Location

    Location Label





    Virtual/Online Information

    Link To Meeting

    Dial In Number

    Meeting ID

    Meeting Password

    One Tap Mobile

    Meeting Type(s) & Format(s)

    Meeting Open or Closed

    Meeting Format

    Additional Information